Tuesday, April 19, 2011

People at the Rajpur Mela

Perhaps the most important symbol of a fair is the giant wheel. And so I was happy to see this one at the Shahenshahi Ashram mela. The best part about this one is that it did away with the parts I do NOT like about giant wheels. Stomach turning heights? Not this one.. The photo above makes it look like it was looming over the horizon, but in reality it was quite modest. As it should be, because it also did not have one of the features I dislike about fairground entertainment, which is the use of diesel generators with the accompanying pollution, noise, and use of fossil fuels. Instead, it used some shockingly clean energy.
Clean, yes. But also a little disturbing. The two young men in the photo sit on the axle and turn it with their legs.  I was a little queasy when I saw them clamber around a moving giant wheel. I was a little tense when I saw them perch on the axle. And when I realised that they are probably around the same age as my niece, I was sadder still.
I do hope that they are part owners of this outfit. I hope that they get pleasure out of their lives. And  I do hope that they stay safe.

This wheel was one of the most popular attractions. The others are shown below.
A chaat seller who knows how to dress to impress. A balloon seller with rainbow zebras that I wanted to buy. And a gola wallah with his stunning array of gleaming bottles and his carefully insulated block of ice waiting to be shaved, drizzled with syrup and sold by the cupful.A good time was had by all..


  1. The chaat seller is like a young Rajnikant. Very impressive. :)

  2. Exactly what my colleague and I dubbed him!

  3. that neice , when she was one year old, used to like one such boy, about 10, who turned a merry-go-round at Bund garden. His mother owned it. His father owned two horses. His sister was the only horse- wali, the only girl horse rider, so we always chose her horse for Mukta. Even after my daughter grew out of Bund garden entertainment, I would see this girl on the bridge from Yerawada- inexpensive jeans, cheap white sports shoes...Riding to work. A beautiful sight...Then after 10 years , i stopped seeing her. I hope she has a good life somewhere, i hope her spirit has been allowed to stay. I hope she rides sometimes

  4. When I read your comment, I remembered her. and chhotu sitting so seriously on that horse. miss you
