Saturday, April 14, 2018

Colour and Scent

The garden is waking up. Wherever I go, I am welcomed by fragrance. And since it is Saturday when The Propagator hosts Six-on-Saturday, his weekly show-and-tell, here are six bits of my garden today.
1. Iris! Last week, I exulted about the first few flowers. And now they are all in bloom. Not the kumaun iris, but the other two- the lavender and the smoky one- each have a distinct fragrance. Here are photos

2. Honeysuckle : I have planted this at all four corners of our house,and I am so glad I did. Right now, I am sitting in my bedroom and writing this. Every time there is a breeze, I smell  the honeysuckle. Absolute bliss
3. Greed. Well, let us call it planning. Remember the magnolia whose first flower I was so enchanted with last week? Well, now I have decided that one is not enough. I am making more. There were four remarkably convenient branches for layering, and that's what I have done. If all goes well, next
monsoon, I will have not one,but FIVE magnolias!
4. Red rose: I have spoken of the rose outside my bedroom wall before, but here it is in full blossom. Not scented, sadly. But the colour is almost enough.
5. As for this rose, I am not keen on the colour, but the fragrance  is  classic ittar of roses. For that, I would give it space even if it was fuchsia with ochre stripes!
6. And Project.
I have this wall. It is lush with ferns in the monsoon, but the rest of  the time it is just meh. I planted some succulents,but they look forlorn and not happy at all. And yes, there are thistles.

But now, I hope to  change that. Am planting what may be a bergenia,but again may not  be.It grows wild here and I love it.
And I am also planting this, also a wild flower.I have no idea what it is,but I lubs it  I do. Can anyone identify this?

If you want to participate in this rather fun thing, here are guidelines.


Tim Hewitt said...

Beautiful. I love your use of the local flora.

Lora Hughes said...

Ditto, Tim's comment. But also, just love the idea of honeysuckle at the 4 corners of your house. And the roses, yes, the one w/o scent on the wall is a definite keeper but also the one w/scent & a colour you don't like as much. So many good smells in your garden, irises included!

Fred said...

I do like your wall. It's a shame that plants don't like being there. I would like to see ferns, ivy, ajuga, saxifraga,...or even a clematis or a hydrangea petiolaris... so many ideas..

Ali, The Mindful Gardener said...

Oh, Lors! Those irises! I may be developing another ‘thing’!

Chicu said...

Timothy and Lora, it just seems rude to not use the local flora. It is so beautiful, and when I go for a walk, I see plantings and combinations that I would never have thought of myself.
Scent I must have..
Fred, I have planted ferns, and they are beautiful for two months of the year. And ivy too, I have planted three years ago. It is 6 inches tall now. Humph. But will keep trying. For this wall, I want crevice plants more than creepers. Don't have a good reason for it, but just something I want.
Ali- Irises are worth it!

@cavershamjj said...

Lovely to see your corner of the world. Spring has clearly slring!

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