Saturday, April 7, 2018


Finally! My garden is still largely  brown,I am afraid- the chickens see to that. But there are some splashes of carefully protected colour.
Let's take a look, shall we?
1.  Freesia: My first ever. And while the scent is not very strong, it IS lovely.

2.Magnolia. I was given this shrub four years ago, and this year it has flowered. A luscious winy colour, the nuances of which I cannot capture and a even more enchanting lemongrass fragrance. I am in love with this!

 3. Erigeron. Probably bellidiodes. A more cheerful flower I have never seen. Its ubiquitous nature means that most of the people here sneer at it, but I simply cannot get enough! Over the last few monsoons I have been slipping a root or two here and there, and am now well rewarded.
4. Iris. They are out! or atleast in the process of blooming. Still a week or so to go before the peak, but there is this one variety, which is very common here and the first to flower. So far, I have four varieties and am eager to get more.  Here is the flowering iris
And here is my iris bed..eager to have them all flower!
5. Amaryllis. As common as mud here, with every house having a bank of these. And the colour is a little too garish for me. But I have gotten used to them, and will miss not seeing their shouting faces in spring. And so they stay.
6. Roses! The ones outside my bedroom window have begun to flower
 We just have a couple now. But look at all these buds!

As you probably guessed from the numbering, this post is part of the 'Six on Saturday' hosted (and initiated) by The Propagator, a man whose mad propagation skills totally justify the capitalization. Please do go over to his blog to see him and other gardeners detailing six things from their garden.

1 comment:

Lora Hughes said...

I've been waiting for your return & here you are, w/so much colour & excitement in your garden. What a place, where amaryllis grow in the ground! I'd love to have them shouting at me in the spring. I've been told you either have a nose for freesia or you don't, & that notion's borne out by my family, as I'm the only one who thinks it has a strong scent. That magnolia is scrummy-licious looking. What a great return you gave us this week!

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